Software developer, open standards, free software advocate and drupaler. Proudly geek.

Grey Glacier

You can read more about me or see some of my talks.

Website Reborn, again...

This time using Hugo

After a while with this website built with Jekyll I decided to make a new iteration of this blog. Some of the reasons is because Jekyll feels a bit dated to me and I did not enjoy that much to work with an application built with Ruby. Recently, I have been trying a lot of things with Go(lang). One of the main pitch points of selling the language is what is made with it, and usually are mentioned Docker, Kubernetes, Prometheus, Caddy and of course Hugo. [Read More]
blog  hugo  golang 

DrupalCon Europe 2021

The last DrupalCon Europe just happened, the fourth Virtual DrupalCon, and possibly(?) the last one. Here is my take on this year’s DrupalCon Europe.

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